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Finding Miss Almond:
Can love overcome injustice?

Isabel is an unlikely heroine. The odds are stacked against her as a woman seeking purpose in a man’s world. A white man’s world.

At age 26, her parents have her life carefully planned. Teaching music and living in comfortable sedate Adelaide, settling down with a white-collar husband as Australia emerges from the grips of the Great Depression. In a nice suburb and a nice house. She loved children and longed to be a mother. 

For Isabel that seemed dull. Predictable. She wanted more from life. She wanted adventure. Her parents wanted to keep her safe. Have her living nearby. Never more so than when the Japanese threat of the second world war was on Australia’s doorstep.

With her boyfriend called up to join the army she ventured north to Alice Springs where reinforcements were being stationed, to visit him in the Christmas holidays of 1941. There her life took an unplanned and unexpected turn when she met a quaint little man named Percy McDonald Smith ascending the steps of a little wooden church, sunbaked and under layers of red dust.

Percy introduced her to Aboriginal people for the first time. Isabel was shocked at the appalling conditions they were forced to live in on the outskirts of the town. She had no idea that such poverty existed in modern Australia. She was ashamed of herself and her blindness to this suffering. She was heartbroken when she saw the sad eyes of the children and the fear in their mother’s eyes. Shy and without hope. Fathers nowhere in sight.

From that moment on Isabel’s heart and mind could not settle back in Adelaide. Forces beyond her control were changing her life, but her parents were standing in the way.

Can she defy her father and take on one of the biggest challenges facing Australia, how to deal with the Aboriginal people? What can she do to help these people, people who didn’t count?

Percy had found her, but can Isabel find herself?

This is the story of Isabel Elizabeth Almond.

Her vast personal strength, grace, kindness, compassion and desire to be a mother combined with humility, love and discontent with injustice, helped her to save part of a generation of children who may have otherwise been lost in the government policy of assimilation of Aboriginal people. This film shines a light on her stories with them.


Alongside her husband Percy McDonald Smith, she offered on a daily basis generosity to the needy, hospitality to strangers, hope and justice to the unfairly treated, perseverance in the face of adversity and kindness to the suffering. All with a warm smile and polite demeanour. Her innocence and faith ensured her mind was open. As was her heart.

Join the Movement:
Be Part of the Story

Be part of telling this powerful untold story. Your donation will help cover production costs – everything from passionate actors, to cameras and lighting to costumes and hiring locations such as the famous Glanville Hall. For a limited time, contributions over $50 will receive a special thanks in the movie credits. Join us and make a difference